I know you, Moms. You are so busy being everything to everyone. Perhaps you’re having to be the main cheerleader when everyone else in the house is disappointed because things aren’t “normal” this year. The life of a mom can be overwhelming, physically and emotionally. It is so important then, that you recharge your batteries. I have 10 ways to lift your spirits for busy moms.
Why is it so important for you busy moms to recharge and lift your spirits?
Burn-out is real. Right now during the holidays things are always busy. In addition, what we see on the news is just downright depressing. In addition, because it’s 2020, we are once again in lock-down mode due to the pandemic. It’s easy for us to feel burdened for everyone. We need to make sure we don’t let ourselves get into a funk.
But I’m too busy to even think about doing things for myself!
Self-care is very important for busy moms. The 10 things I am proposing are easy to do and you can even do some of them while multi-tasking. You need to take and make the time to give yourself a boost.
Let’s move on to 10 ways to lift your spirits for busy moms
1. Contact friends you haven’t see or spoken to in a while
Text or call friends you haven’t seen or spoken to in a while just to check in. This is a double blessing as they are bound to be thrilled to hear from you. Or send a fun meme to someone so you can both get a good laugh.
Another possibility is to use Facetime, Duo, or Zoom to chat “face-to-face” virtually. If you have never used Zoom, it is a free meeting platform. It’s very easy to use. Just bear in mind that with a free account you have a 40 minute time limit per meeting. I have set up back-to-back meetings before to lengthen a gathering. They are lifting their time limit for certain days over the holiday season. From their website, these are the dates and times for unlimited minutes:
- 10 a.m. ET Thursday, Dec. 17, to 6 a.m. ET Saturday, Dec. 19
- 10 a.m. ET Wednesday, Dec. 23, to 6 a.m. ET Saturday, Dec. 26
- 10 a.m. ET on Wednesday, Dec. 30, to 6 a.m. ET on Saturday, Jan. 2
2. Listen to music that lifts your spirits or brings back good memories
Isn’t it amazing how music can move you? An article on Healthline.com quoted a study that found that “people who listened to upbeat music could improve their moods and boost their happiness in just two weeks.” My go-to happy music is usually 80s rock, though I also enjoy listening to movie soundtracks. Music can instantly transport you to happy times or help you feel good in the moment. YouTube is a great resource to find music for free. By the way, if you’ve never heard of Matt and Savannah Shaw, I highly recommend them. They are a dad and daughter duo who have become YouTube stars during the pandemic.
3. Buy something just for you at the grocery store, busy mom
Yes, I do believe in retail therapy, but that can get expensive. Since you have to go grocery shopping anyway, pick up a treat for yourself while you’re at it. You can have your own secret stash. Just be sure to label your goods or find a great hiding place. I may or may not have recently purchased some dark chocolate pretzels for myself. Shhhhhhhh.
4. Leave something fun for a friend just because
This would be doorbell ditch in a good way. Recently my Bible study group had a Secret Elf exchange. I was able to sneakily drop off my recipient’s gift to her door. I had the advantage of watching her open it over ZOOM, but the real joy was in knowing that she would enjoy receiving it.
Maybe you can pick up an extra treat at the store and leave it for your friend on his or her doorstep. Ring the bell and disappear. You can choose whether or not to reveal yourself.
In the middle of the last shelter in place lock-down this spring, I opened my door and found a bag with toilet paper and a roll of paper towels. At that time, those paper products were like gold. My friend (I figured out who it was) also left a succulent with a sign that said “You are loved.” That simple gift brought a lot of joy.
Perhaps you know of a family that is struggling. You might want to leave a gift card for a grocery store on their porch. I’ve done that before and was truly blessed when I heard the mom of the family relate how happy she was to receive it. The old adage is true, “Tis better to give than to receive.”
5. Look at some old photo albums or home videos
I just dated myself with the words “photo albums,” didn’t I? Do people even have photo albums anymore, or do folks rely on their Facebook or Instagram feeds? Regardless of how you store pictures, flip through some old ones, it will be sure to bring a smile to your face. Or put on an old family video and watch family members come flocking to watch.
6. Read inspirational or funny quotes
Good Housekeeping has “50 Inspirational Quotes for When Your Mood Could Use a Boost” if you’d like to be inspired.
If you’d rather read Scripture verses, Ibelieve.com has 30 Encouraging Bible Verses you can read.
I have to say, I’m a fan of funny quotes and puns, especially food puns. Pun Me has 50 funny sayings to brighten your day.
I made my own collection of free printable mom quotes you can find on my site like this one:

You can download any of my printables from my free resource library.
7. Watch some uplifting or funny YouTube videos
Look, I know you are busy moms and don’t have a lot of time to watch things. Busy moms, however, are queens at multitasking. You can easily slip in a short YouTube video while you are cooking, or while you are waiting outside for your kids at a dentist appointment.
Steve Hartman of CBS delivers short, but very inspirational stories that just make you feel good by watching them. You can find a playlist of 442 of his videos from “On the Road with Steve Hartman” on YouTube. The playlist includes a “Kindness 101” series he started during the pandemic.
If you really like cute babies, you need to check out Chef Kobe on Kobe Eats. This little guy cooks up all kinds of dishes with his mom. If he doesn’t bring a smile to your face, I don’t know what will!
8. Read a book or article you’ve been meaning to get to, but have been too busy
Yes, you are still busy, but a little pleasure reading is good for the soul. Commit to just reading a chapter a day, or even a few pages a day. If it helps, keep it in the bathroom and read a few pages while you are there. I mean, really, that is a form of multi-tasking, isn’t it?
9. Take a hike (or walk)
In a study by Harvard Medical School, researchers found that, “any kind of movement can add up to keep depression at bay.” The study goes on to say, “Intentionally moving your body in more gentle ways throughout the day — like walking, stretching, taking the stairs, doing the dishes — can still add up in good ways for your mood.”
Even during a lock-down, you can still get out and exercise. Take a walk with family or a friend. If the weather makes it impossible to get outside, you can take advantage of YouTube videos to help you get exercise. You can see my Top 10 YouTube Workout Channels for Moms and for the kids YouTube Workout Channels for Kids.
10. Play a game
I realize it is difficult to play games when you are so busy with life. It’s frustration for me as I really enjoy games. However, you don’t have to commit to an hours long game of Monopoly or a marathon round of Risk. Sometimes when my kids are playing a card came (Dutch Blitz is a favorite of ours), I’ll jump in for a round or two. It doesn’t matter to me what my score is, I just enjoy playing.
Playing games over ZOOM is a great idea to connect with friends and family when you can’t gather face-to-face.
I have a number of posts on games you can check out:
10 Great Games to Play on ZOOM
10 Simple Games to Play Around the Table
Dinner table games for kids of all ages
Okay moms, there you go. You have 10 ways to lift your spirits for busy moms. Please try out any that you think will help you out. I implore you to take the time out to refresh yourself. You and your family will benefit greatly for it. Remember, you are amazing!