Free Seasons Printable Game

Free Season Printable Game

My two youngest love to sort and match. They love to sort cards, socks (though they never wear a matching pair), crayons, you name it. Though they know their seasons, I thought it would still be fun to create this free seasons printable game to work on sorting and matching skills. To make it more versatile, I made one set (with all four seasons game boards and picture tiles) half-sized , and another set (with all four seasons) full sized, both shown below.

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Follow Me

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24)

The park is a great place to observe human behavior. Since I have a lot of humans, I do a lot of observing. As I watched my kids play at the park one day, I noticed that a little boy had fallen in with my pack and was running around with one of my then three-year-olds. As they ran past me, I heard the boy call back to my son, “Follow me!” My son replied with a very enthusiastic “Okay!” and dutifully followed the other boy’s lead. He didn’t know the other child, but it didn’t matter. He trusted that wherever his new friend went would lead to something good.

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October Monthly Mom Merriment

Happy October and Happy Fall! Fall weather likes to play tricks with us out here in California. It can be in the high 60s one day and almost 90 a few days later. We usually have to wait until November until we can get reliably cool temperatures. At that point, we’ll trade our shorts for, as one of my kids used to say, “long sleeved pants.” Or if you’re like most of my kids, you never trade shorts for anything else. I have polar bears living in my house.

This month’s installment is for homeschool moms. Some of us are in perpetual parent-teacher conferences, but at least we’ll always agree…unless you’re Gollum, but he’s neither a mom nor a teacher, so never mind.

Download the printable here.