Wanting to sleep
I think this quote “90% of parenting is just thinking about when you can lie down again” is particularly true at different stages of the parenting journey. When you have babies that are waking you up at all hours of the night, you put a high price on sleep. I remember waking up some mornings looking forward to going to bed at night. I just had to survive the day.
This was especially true when I had a baby who did not want to nap.(By the way, this kid’s aspiration in life is to become an American Ninja Warrior. Now the no napping makes sense). Frustrated that he would not nap I would explain to him that babies were supposed to sleep for 14-17 hours a day. He wasn’t interested in my facts.
Wanting not to sleep
Now that my oldest is almost 20 and my youngest is seven, and I am middle aged, I find myself trying NOT to sleep at times. Like say for example, while I have been typing this blog entry. No lie, I have nodded off several times already. Watching movies is tough at night. I’m so busy during the day that when I finally sit down, my eyes want to close. At least when I’m at church and my eyes close, it looks like I’m praying. I must appear super spiritual.
15 Minute Flop
Since I can’t have caffeine, staying awake naturally can be tough. When I can, I do what I call a “15 minute flop.” I will literally flop down on my bed for a 15 minute power nap. According to WebMD, power naps of 15-20 minutes are very beneficial. With a short nap you can “get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance,” You can read the article here.
I hope you can get your nap in today! Enjoy the free printables. As always I made one full color and one with a white background.
Download the full color one here.

The white background printable can be downloaded here