10 Tips to help you be on time

10 tips 1to help you be on time

Do posts like this make you sigh and say, “Yes! Give me tips! Lots of tips!” because you just can’t seem to ever be on time? I understand. I combed the internet for helpful tidbits. After all, a family of 10 doesn’t move very quickly from one spot to another. Actually it doesn’t even matter how many kids you have or if you do have kids, getting out the door and arriving at your destination on time is tough. Read on for these 10 tips to help you be on time.

Why 10 tips to help you be on time?

The short answer is that I combed through many posts and found 10 that I thought I could actually implement. Besides, 10 is a nice round nunber. I took a good number of tips from lifehack.com, so check that post out to get more tips.

Arighty, ready to make a life change? Here are your tips:

1. Don’t check texts, email, voicemail, or social media right before you leave

You know what a rabbit hole checking any of the above can be. You fully intend to make it quick only to have your time get sucked up. Pretty soon that extra time you had before you had to leave is gone and you’re now running out the door.

2. Plan for potential hiccups

No lie, I used to tell people that I was a victim of my son’s bowels. One of my kids had an uncanny need to make a prolonged pit stop right before we needed to leave. I did my best to plan for it and would ask him a half hour before departure time if he needed to go. Sometimes it worked. Or those spills that seemed to occur as you’re headed out the door. Giving yourself a little buffer of time can help.

3. Have what you need ready to go the night before

10 tips to help you be on time

If you have kids, have them put what they need by the front door. We homeschool, but when we have co-op or Community Bible Study, I have my kids set their backpacks, shoes and lunchboxes by the door. With lunches, they know to grab their sandwiches fron the fridge before leaving. Can I just make a comment about shoes? I have one child that was forever losing one of his shoes when it was time to go. I check and then check again to make sure his shoes are by the door the night before!

The kids put what they need by the door and so do I. I pack my tote bag the night before with whatever I need so it’s ready to go. In addition, I take out the clothes I’m going to wear the night before so I’m not searching in the morning for that black cardigan that my daughter borrowed.

4. Always have a clock in your sight when you’re getting ready

This is so important! It’s amazing how fast time can go when you’re not paying attention. I like to have clocks in the bathroom because that tends to be a time vaccuum.

5. Realistically estimate how long tasks will take

One “task” I was terrible at estimating was how long it would take my kids to eat! I’d think, “It won’t take long for them to quickly eat before we go.” Okay, sure, if my kids actually sat and got down to the business of eating. No, my kids love to chit chat at the table, and they do not know the meaning of haste. I had to learn to factor in more time for meals.

6. Fight the tempation to that “one last thing”

I am so bad at this! This for me goes back to the e-mailing/texting issue in tip #1. I have a bad habit of trying to squeeze in that one last e-mail before taking off somewhere. Just don’t do it, whatever your “last thing” tends to be.

10 tips to help you be on time

7. Set your clocks ahead by a few minutes, by different amounts

Okay, I know this is not a tip for everyone. This one drives my husband up the wall, but if works for me! It’s a total psychological ploy, but I fall for it anyway. Even though I know the clocks are ahead, I still act as though they’re showing the correct time. Maybe my mind is just simpler than most.

8. Fill up your gas tank when it reaches 1/4 of a tank

Unless you have an issue with mixing old gas and new gas, this is a great tip. It’s happened more than once that I’ve gotten into the car and the gas light comes on, indicating the need to fill up. Most times I can still get to my destination and gas up later, but other times I’ve had to deal with it right away. Filling up at 1/4 tank is a great pre-emptive strike. Of course, these days, it may be more appropriate to tell you to charge your car ahead of time.

9. Never plan to be on time (plan to be early)

I’m not talking here about being awkwardly early, because that’s not necessarily a good thing. Just plan to be a few minutes early and you’re guaranteed to be on time (so I’ve heard, I’m still working on this one).

10. Welcome and prepare for the wait

If I go to any type of appointment, I always bring something to do. I’ll bring my Bible study or a book to read to pass the time while I wait. Think of waiting as a welcome bit of time to get something done. Answer that text message that you resisted addressing before you left so you could be early!

I hope you try some or all of these 10 tips to help you be on time. If you’re like me, you’re a work in progress! Feel free to leave your own tips!

For some more “mom tips,” check out these posts:

Mom hacks to save time and money (free e-book included)

The homeschool mom’s “to don’t” list

How to “sur-thrive” homeschooling mulitple ages

Easisest pumpkin pie DIY pudding for kids

The best veggies to sneak into your kids’ food


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