It’s a common occurrence that when people find out I have 8 kids, one of their first comments is, “You must have a lot of patience.” That’s funny. I try to tell them it’s not true, but they don’t believe me.
From my perspective, the fuse to the powder keg of my annoyance barrel runs mighty short at times. I raise my voice way more often than I would like to admit. I’ve heard of moms who never raise their voices at their kids and I wonder if their volume control buttons have somehow just malfunctioned.
On days that I feel like I’m a candidate for the “Loser Mom Award,” I repeat certain Scripture or song snippets to myself. It reminds me of my utter dependence on God and how His grace is so much greater than my sin. And if we’re being perfectly honest here, it also keeps me from taking a spoon to the gallon of mint chip ice cream and drowning my sorrows there.
I made two versions of this “Grace that is greater than all my sin” printable. I put the black and white one in a picture frame and placed it on my mantle so I can see it throughout the day…while I eat my ice cream…in a bowl. I hope this encourages you too.