As we continue to have church at home, I am continuing to email lessons out to the parents of our small church. After our Joshua lesson, we spent the next two weeks on this simple Bible lesson on Judges. We covered Deborah first, and then Gideon.
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Bible lesson on Deborah
The story of Deborah is remarkable in that it features not one, but two women that were instrumental in delivering Israel from its enemies. Deborah was such an important woman that Barak, the commander of the Israelite forces, didn’t want to go into battle without her. Consequently, Deborah told Barak that a woman would deliver up Sisera, the much-feared commander of the Canaanite army. That woman, Jael, does indeed deliver up Sisera in a very unique way (parental discretion advised).
1.Read the story from a storybook Bible or Judges 4:4-23
2. Watch one or more videos on Deborah
Watch the God’s story video for Deborah. (includes mention of Jael)
Younger ones might like this video more as it’s shorter and more simple. Parents may like the fact that it leaves out the whole tent peg episode with Jael.
For older kids (and grown-ups), the Bible Project has an excellent video summary of the book of Judges. While there, be sure to look around at some of the other videos they have. They are extremely well done and very informative.
3. Choose activities
Primarily designed for kids 5 and under (but can be used with older kids too), I found an amazing resource at truewaykids.com
Here you will find: coloring pages, game ideas, craft idea (with template), a two page printable story, tracing pages, and more. Just click on the link above, scroll down and print the pages you would like. The chariot craft is adorable! You can find a palm tree craft with Deborah here.
For older kids, here is a word scramble. or word searches and mazes. If you have cardstock, you can print out this puzzle to cut out and put together. Or you can print it on regular paper and glue it to thin cardboard, such as a cereal box.
At Biblefunforkids.com, you can find a great lapbook on Judges if you want to extend the lesson.
4. LEGO challenge
If your kids like building with LEGOs, give them this challenge. Either have them make a palm tree (Deborah sat under palm trees as a judge) or a chariot (like Sisera’s).
Bible lesson on Gideon
This lesson focuses on how God used Gideon to accomplish His purposes. We see that Gideon is a reluctant leader, yet he was obedient in carrying out God’s plans. This is a good lesson in which to emphasize the importance of obeying, not only in what we’re told to do, but in the way we are told to do it.
1. Read the story from a story Bible or from Judges 7.
2. Watch the God’s story video on Gideon.
3. Choose activities
For younger kids:
Go to Truewaykids.com to download your free coloring pages, story, and activity pages (geared for the 5 and under crowd). This really is an amazing resource.
Choose from one of these craft ideas if you’d like:
Gideon paper craft (Cut out and assemble Gideon, holding a horn and jar. You can print out in black and white or in color).
Gideon toilet paper roll craft (Cut out and assemble Gideon, gluing him onto an empty toilet paper roll so he can stand. You can print the pieces out in black and white or color).
Torch craft (This is a good craft to work on scissor skills. You print out the base and flame, and strips of either construction paper or tissue paper. Little ones can cut the strips into smaller pieces to glue onto the flame of the torch.)
5. Older kids may enjoy these activity sheets from DLTK.com:
Anagrams (unscramble words). There is an easy version and a harder version available. The words are all related to Gideon.
Gideon crossword puzzles. There are two versions available, one for younger kids and one for older kids.
Word mine worksheets Using a phrase from Judges 7, kids will make as many words as they can from the phrase.
Word searches An easy and hard version are available.
Maze This is a pretty easy maze for older kids, but they may enjoy it anyway.
4. LEGO challenge
Challenge your LEGO builders to make a torch. Or they can try their hands at a jar.
A final note on Gideon
Especially if you have older kids,don’t shy away from reading the rest of Gideon’s story. I think it’s important to note how Gideon blew it in Judges 8 by making an idol that became a “snare to Gideon and his household.” In the scheme of the book, it demonstrates the downward spiral of Israel and its leaders. It also points to the fact that there is only one perfect Judge and Deliverer.