If your kids are like mine, they consider Vacation Bible School (VBS) to be a highlight of the summer. With COVID 19 still rearing its ugly head, many churches are opting to cancel VBS this year or host it virtually. If you’d rather do your own thing, you can conduct your own Vacation Bible School at home with some amazing free resources.
Why have Vacation Bible School at home?
In this crazy time it’s important for our kids to have some normalcy. If your kids are accustomed to going to VBS every year, give them the opportunity to enjoy a different version of it. You can use as much or as little of the following resources to custom tailor a program for your family.
Answers in Genesis – IncrediWorld
Answers in Genesis is offering a free VBS program called IncrediWorld (the Covid-19 version). IncrediWorld was released in 2012, but has been adapted to be used at home or by churches to use virtually. Our church used the “regular” version in 2012 and will be using this new version this year.
In addition to their free downloads, you can access songs and videos on YouTube. Here is a sample video to give you an idea of what they are offering.
Ministry to Children
Ministry to Children offers 7 free VBS curriculum to download. For the “Bolt” curriculum, only the director’s manual is free. Otherwise, you can scroll through the various options and pick and choose what you would like to cover with your kids.
Here are their themes:
Running for the Prize
Running for the Prize VBS has an Olympics theme and is based on 1 Corinthians 9:24-25.
Bible Boot Camp
Bible Boot Camp’s uses the Armor of God from Ephesians 6 as its theme.
This Minecraft VBS is also based on the Armor of God.
Big Heart Farms
Big Heart Farms is based on Galatians 5 and covers the fruit of the Spirit.
Outlaws for God
Outlaws for God employs a western theme. It is a paid curriculum, but you can download the director’s guide for free.
Super Fruit
Super Fruit, another fruit of the Spirit themed program, uses superheroes to teach its concepts.
There’s another theme called “A Week with Jesus” which is usually used for Easter time but could be used in the summer. It seems like it might be harder to use in a home setting, but you can be the judge of that.
DLTK Bible VBS programs
DLTK Bible provides four different easy to use VBS curriculum. Each theme includes everything you need to run a program including downloadable crafts. This is what they offer on their site:
F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)
Kids will learn about David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, and more stories of those who had to fully rely on God.
Fruit of the Spirit
This one is self-explanatory and includes stories of faith, love, and kindness.
Parables of Jesus
Kids will learn about the Parable of the Talents, the Good Samaritan, and the Lost Sheep/Coin parables.
Treasure God’s Love
This employs a pirate theme based on Matthew 13:44.
Kamp Kiwi Company
You may have heard of the Kiwi Company and their crates. They make subscription boxes for people aged 0 to 104. (I guess if you’re 105, you’re out of luck.) The crates have different themes such as engineering, crafts, geography, etc.
They have developed Kamp Kiwi Co , four different “camps” kids can participate in online. The themed camps are scheduled out for five days. Each day is full of craft ideas, DIY projects, videos, printables, and more. Though this is not a Vacation Bible School program per se, it can certainly be used as one. These are the camps available for free online:
Koala Camp
Koala Camp, for 3-4 year-olds, introduces preschoolers to some fun scientific backyard adventures
Kiwi Camp
Kiwi Camp, for 5-8 year-olds, centers around discovery as kids explore arcades, flight, deep-sea adventures, and more.
Atlas Camp
In Atlas Camp, for 6-11year-olds, kids learn about the continents and four countries with its cultures. I’m looking forward to using this one with my kids!
Tinker Camp
Exploration is the theme for Tinker Camp (9+). In this camp, kids will be exploring robotics, hydraulics, movie magic, mechanical toys, and outer space.
Creative Bible Study
Susan at Creative Bible Study has rounded up some great VBS themes with lessons, snack and craft ideas. She has listed the following themes:
Incredible Me
Incredible Me- One in a minion is a super cute Minion themed program. There are four lessons that are based on Psalm 139:14, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Super Heroes
Super Heroes uses comic heroes with Biblical truths to show kids “how they can stand firm and be a hero for God.”
Wild West Wisdom
Wild West Wisdom has a wild west theme and centers around David’s “outlaw years,”
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids show kids how they can be children of the true King. It uses the lives of four kings and a queen to bring God’s truths to the kids.
Fishers of Men
Fishers of Men teaches kids how to be “caught by Jesus” and also how to become fishers of men by using a fishing theme.
Please take advantage of the generosity of those who are offering the VBS programs for free. Now that you see the great variety of options available, you have no excuse to not have Vacation Bible School at home!