Another year comes to a close! Time to start making plans for 2024. To help you with those goals, I’ve created a 2024 free printable calendar for you to use.
Read moreLearning about Life, Learning about Him, Teaching about Life, Teaching about Him
Another year comes to a close! Time to start making plans for 2024. To help you with those goals, I’ve created a 2024 free printable calendar for you to use.
Read moreI don’t know about you, but as soon as a school year closes, I am hot on the hunt for new curriculum. Part of my process of choosing materials is to read and watch curriculum reviews. In particular, I enjoy watching the “curriculum hits and misses” videos on YouTube. I find it very helpful to find out what worked and didn’t work for others. With that, I figured I’d “throw my hat in the ring” and post my own 2022-2023 curriculum hits and misses post.
Read moreI have come to love game playing at gatherings. Games are not only effective ice breakers, but they’re also great bonding experiences. You can learn a lot about people by playing games with them (like how competitive people can be, not that that’s a bad thing). There’s certainly a plethora of group games you can purchase, but I like the easy and free kind. With that in mind, I bring you 10 great group games for gatherings.
Read moreEven though we homeschool, my kids through the years have participated in Valentine exchanges. It was easy to find Valentines when the kids were younger. They didn’t really care what the cards said (especially if they couldn’t read yet), as long as they received them and any accompanying treats. As my kids have gotten older, it’s become more difficult to find age-appropriate cards to exchange. For example, it would be a little awkward for my 13-year-old son to hand his buddy a card with a llama on it that read, “You’re Llamazing!” Since I needed some this year, I decided to make my own Valentines to use with dollar store items.
Read moreYes, I do dumb things. Now “dumb” is not a word I let me kids use, just because it’s not the kindest of words. Yet, in reference to myself, I think it’s appropriate. As a kid, I had a friend who said, “Julie, for someone so smart, you can really be dumb sometimes.” Not the kindest of sentiments to be sure, but it definitely has some truth to it. I can be pretty goofy in my actions. Over the years, I’ve gotten some understanding as to why God lets me do dumb things.
Read moreThis may certify me as crazy, but I always looked forward to the first day of school as a kid. I loved the newness of it all: new lunchbox, new outfit, new teacher, etc. Apparently I haven’t really grown out of the fondness for “newness” at the beginning of the year. When I decided that I wanted new forms to record grades, it led to the creation of nine new free printable homeschool planning forms.
Read moreI always feel bad when I hear people talk about homeschooling high school with fear and dread. It is not uncommon to have people comment, “Well, we’re going to have to step it up now that my child is entering high school” followed by exclamations of nervousness and anxiety. If you are in that proverbial boat, be assured that planning for high school is actually quite simple.
Read moreWhat is it about us as homeschooling moms that we’re itching to plan the next school year before we’re done with the current one? Maybe it’s the thought of a new year with new curriculum (and who doesn’t like new curriculum?). Whether or not you know it, as you plan for the next school season by choosing subjects to cover, you are creating a course of study.
Read moreAre your kids like mine and can’t wait for the end of the school year? Or maybe it’s you that can’t wait, or a combination of the two. Depending on your schedule, you might take time off during the summer to plan for the next school year. This does not mean, however, that learning has to be put on pause. You can always fit in a little sneaky summer school.
Read moreHappy New Year! I hope you are all staying happy and healthy during yet another crazy time. Have you made any resolutions? One of my goals is to get more blog posts out this year. I think I say that every year! Anyway, I wanted to bring you two different free printable 2022 calendars for you to download and use to plan your year.
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