Free printable homeschool planning forms

Free printable homeschool planning forms

This may certify me as crazy, but I always looked forward to the first day of school as a kid. I loved the newness of it all: new lunchbox, new outfit, new teacher, etc. Apparently I haven’t really grown out of the fondness for “newness” at the beginning of the year. When I decided that I wanted new forms to record grades, it led to the creation of nine new free printable homeschool planning forms.

Seriously, I couldn’t stop myself. Once I saw how the grading sheets turned out, I had to make more. And since I went through the trouble of making them for myself, I wanted to share them with you!

What is included in the set of free printable homeschool planning forms?

The short answer is that you have access to the following:

Grade Record form

Attendance form for this year

Attendance form (general)

Reading list 

Read Alouds List

Field trip Record

Notes page

Monthly planning page

Weekly planning page

Can you give us a run-down of each printable?

Well thanks for asking! Of course I will!

Grade record form

Free printable grade record sheet

You can use one form for one child and multiple subjects, or put two kids on one form. Currently I have two kids on one form who are doing the same subject. I realized later that a “total” line at the bottom  would have been nice, but you can always just write that in on the last line. 

Attendance forms

Free printable attendance report

I have two attendance forms available. One is specifically for this year. I blocked out the weekends so it’s easier to see the which days are school days. Now, I have to give credit where credit is due on that. In the past I’ve used the attendance record sheets that Lauren at Mama’s Learning Corner produces every year and she blocks out the weekends and any extra days for the month.

The second attendance form I have in the set is one that you can use every year. The weekends are not blocked out, making it usable year after year.

Reading Lists

Free printable reading list

In addition to two attendance forms, I have two reading lists. One list is either for individual kids to record the books they’ve read, or for you as the teacher to plan out which books you want your kids to read. 

The other reading list is for you to record the read alouds you either have chosen to read for the year, or for recording what you have been reading over the year. Both lists have columns for date, title of the book, author, and any notes you or your kids have on the books (such as, “for older kids,” etc.).

Field trip form

Free printable field trip record

On this form, you can record the date you went on the field trip, the location, any notes (such as contact person or the location’s website), and whether or not you would return. 


Free printable notes page

Unlike the other forms, this page is just lined and available for you to jot down any notes. It looked a little plain, so I added a happy succulent on the bottom. I think he’s pretty cute and he makes me smile, so that’s his home. I wouldn’t be surprised if he resurfaces on a future printable.

Month at a glance

The month at a glance page is a blank monthly calendar that can be used for any month. You can write in the dates and the name of the month. There is a space at the bottom for notes or for writing the name of the month.

Week at a glance

Free weekly lesson plan printable

Like the month at a glance, this is a pretty no frills form. It has a grid with the week days across the top and six rows to add whatever information you’d like. You can use it for lesson planning for multiple subjects or for multiple kids. 

Bonus binder cover printable

As with the new forms for the new year, I just have to create a new cover for my binder. Clearly I am in a “cute succulents” phase. This binder cover is not with the free printable homeschool planning forms set, but can be accessed by clicking on the image below. 

Free printable binder cover for Mom

Alrighty, so that’s all she wrote for this post. Please sign up below to access the free resource library and these and other printables. I’ve also included a list of some other homeschooling posts if you’re interested. As always, please feel free to email me at for any comments or even suggestions for future blog posts or printables.

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