Happy New Year everyone! Raise your hand if you are glad to see 2020 go. We are praying that this new year brings with it better times. In addition to better times, how about better life organization? To help with that, I have a free printable 2021 calendar for you.
How is the free printable 2021 calendar organized?
Two page layout
My preference is for a two page layout for my calendars, which can be hard to find. Most one page calendars simply do not have the space that I need to write down all the activities our family of 10 has going.
Lined boxes for each date
Finding lined calendars is difficult to find. Now I know why. Making a lined calendar is a lot more work. Maybe more savvy creators have found easier ways to do this, but I’m not savvy.
Having lines makes it easier to have your information stay neat. Also, if you are like me and can’t write in a straight line to save your life, the lines are essential. As an aside, when I was a classroom teacher I could never write straight across the chalkboard. Yes, you read that correctly, chalkboard. I’m old and we were in an old building. To add to my woes, I’m left-handed. My poor students would have to look at slanted lines of text which were partly erased by my own hand.
Space for notes
I need space to write notes, such as details about an event on the calendar. Or, in December, it’s helpful to write in upcoming events for the next year. This is especially important when your calendar maker doesn’t finish the calendar until the beginning of the year.

I chose to show you the pages for June because I am in love with that van graphic! Each month has its own coordinating graphic.
Holidays included
This year I decided to include some holidays. Apologies ahead of time if you are offended by what I included or didn’t include. You can always white-out or add in according to your preferences. By the way, did you know you can get white-out pens at the Dollar Tree? They work really well.
You will notice that I didn’t label October 31. We don’t celebrate Halloween, but Reformation Day. I considered putting “Halloween/Reformation Day,” but it took up too much space. You can put in the holiday of your choice.
How do you print and assemble the calendar?
Hurray for you if you have a printer that will make the back to back copies automatically. I have no such luxury machine. What I have to do is print out the first page of January first. Then I will print out the second page of January, put it back in the printer to print the first page of February on the back. You’ll have to check your printer to figure out if you should put it back in face up or face down, right side up or upside down.
I recommend you use card stock to print out your calendar. It will make it much more durable.
You can assemble the calendar by stapling it, or by comb binding it. I have a comb binding machine I bought from Amazon and I use it quite often. Since we homeschool, I use it for workbooks, schedules, and reference books.
Why is there no cover for the calendar?
Good question, glad you asked! The truth is, I don’t bother with a cover because no one ever sees it once you’re using the calendar. I’m not putting it in a store to sell, so a cover is not needed.
Is this 2021 calendar editable?
If you printed off my calendar from last year, you know that I made that one editable. I made this one editable as well, but have had such trouble trying to share it, I just have the regular one in my resource library.
How do you make it editable?
Let me tell you, again, if you are a savvy person there is probably an easier way to do this. As I have already confessed my lack of save, I painstakingly added the equivalent of a text box to every single dated cell to make it editable. I uploaded my calendar as a pdf to Pdf Escape and used this process. What made it even more painful is that several months in, my session timed out and I lost all my work. Wah! To prevent this from happening, make sure to create your own free account. I learned my lesson!
How do I get this free printable 2021 calendar?
Sign up below and you will be given access to my free resource library. There you will find the regular version of the calendar. I will be sending out an email to my subscribers with an address where they can email me asking for the editable version of the calendar. Hey, membership has its privileges!
If you sign up for my newsletter after I have sent out the email to my current subscribers, contact me via the contact form. Let me know you signed up and want the editable version of the calendar. I’ll verify your membership and email it to you.
Enjoy the rest of our holiday time!