Using challenges in Lego club
Many moons ago I ran a Lego club for our homeschool group. We would gather at my church once a month. Each family would bring its own set of Legos and a blanket (to help prevent Legos from co-mingling with those of other families). I would give the kids a specific Lego challenge, or what I called a “theme.” The kids had a certain amount of time to create either on their own, or in teams according to the challenge. After I called time, the kids would gather in a group and share their creations with each other.
In the years I ran the club, I was never at a loss for members. Lego lovers are in large supply. I found that kids loved to be creative on their own, but they also loved creating within a theme or challenge. I was always impressed at how imaginative the kids could be.
32 Challenge ideas
I’ve seen many Lego challenge free printable calendars and lists show up on my Pinterest feed. I would have loved to have those back in the day, but alas there was no Pinterest in the stone ages. At any rate, seeing them inspired me to cull together the themes or challenges we used in our club.
I created this Lego challenge free printable for you to use individually or in groups. There are 32 ideas for you to work your way through. Why 32 ideas? Well, I thought originally of making a calendar with 31 ideas, but I had one idea too many. Actually I had a few ideas too many, but 32 frankly looked nicer on the page as it was nice and even. I’m just that way. Have fun creating!
(I originally posted this with a different color scheme that included purple. I revised the printable to what you see here. If you would like the original one, contact me and I will email it to you,)