Whether you’re home with a sick kid, or on lock down due to a pandemic, you have to miss church on occasion. My family is in the latter situation right now. I am sooooo grateful that I can stream our church’s service online. That’s great for me and my husband and older kids, but my younger ones miss out on their Sunday school class. To help fill that void, I’ve been creating a simple kids’ Bible lesson you can do at home.
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Simple Lessons
Clearly these lessons don’t have to be just for home. Use them however you’d like. I just wanted them to be simple so they’d be easy to complete at home.
To be called “simple,” they had to be easy to prep and free to use. Thankfully, it’s easy to find free quality content online. The difficult part was narrowing down my choices to decide what to include. That was particularly difficult for this week’s lesson.
This week’s lesson
It was a no-brainer to choose the topic for this week. With Easter this Sunday, I built the lesson around Jesus’ resurrection. (Our church actually refers to Easter as “Resurrection Sunday.”) I did my best to make it functional for families with kids aged from tots to teens. I’ll make note of which elements are for which age groups in the lesson below. Even though I numbered the different parts of the lesson, feel free to switch things around to make it work for you.
Read the story
1.Read the story of Jesus’ resurrection from whatever story Bible you prefer. My favorite is the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Watch videos
Younger kids might prefer to watch one of these videos:
Beginner’s Bible video (this one is three minutes long).
The 26 minute version of the Beginner’s Bible video
Choose activities
Truewaykids.com is a fabulous resource! They offer amazing free printables (coloring sheets, craft templates, worksheets, etc.) for the under five crowd. The website also gives clever craft and activity ideas. Their printables are so high quality, it’s hard to believe they are free!
There is a link on Truewaykids.com for Resurrection cookies that didn’t work when I tried it. I haven’t made the cookies, but I have made the Resurrection rolls before. They look easier to do then the cookies, so I highly recommend you give them a try.
For older kids, you can download this newspaper template. It is the “Roman Times” with Jesus’ resurrection as the headline and an accompanying story. Kids draw the pictures to go with the story.
In addition or instead, you can have kids draw the events of the story using this comic book template from my resource library.

You can also have older kids read Mark 16:1-11 and complete any of the worksheets from here (fill in the blanks, crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.).
I found a great craft on NotConsumed.com that is a countdown to Easter (and beyond). Using the free printable, you make a paper chain of 30 names of Jesus. You can use it to countdown to the end of our shelter in place order! (Lord willing May 3 is the actual end.) Each day, you’d take off one piece of the chain, read one of the names of Jesus and the corresponding Bible verse.
My Joy Filled Life shows 12 faith based Easter crafts for kids to try. They look like a lot of fun!
LEGO build
Have your kids build a tomb out of LEGOs, complete with a “stone” that can be moved out of the way.
As you can see this really is a simple kids’ Bible lesson you can do at home! Be blessed!
For more Simple Kids’ Bible Lessons you can check out these on: