Crossing the Jordan River

This simple kids’ Bible lesson from Joshua can follow the lesson on Moses and the 10 commandments. The lesson focuses on the crossing of the Jordan River. It’s a great story to use to emphasize our need to take ” a step of faith” when God is calling us to do hard things.
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Crossing the Jordan River Bible Lesson
Remember that you can change the order of the items in the lesson to best suit your family and/or class.
Read the story
1. Read the story to your kiddos from the Bible of your choice or have older kids read from Joshua 4.
Watch a video
2. These videos are a little silly at times, but my kids love them these.
Here is the “God’s Story” version of the story
Choose an activity
3. Choose any of the following activities:
– Coloring page from or
– Create a diorama or reenact the scene using the printable pieces (best printed on cardstock)
– Make a puzzle (35, 42, or 48 pieces) of the scene (print out on cardstock or glue to thin cardboard such as cereal boxes)
– Complete this color and fold activity to make a card
– Do a word search or crossword puzzle
Extension Activities for the Bible Lesson
In Joshua 4, the Israelites build a memorial of 12 stones (representing the 12 tribes of Israel) to commemorate God’s faithfulness to them. Have your kids reflect on God’s faithfulness in one of these ways:
1. Use this worksheet to have your kids write: the names of the 12 tribes, the names of family members and friends or 12 ways God has been faithful to your family.
2. Out of Legos or blocks, build a memorial.
3. Paint rocks and place them in a designated area as your own memorial to God’s faithfulness to your family.-
If you missed the Easter lesson and would like to save it for another time, you can find it here.
The next simple kids’ Bible lesson will center around Deborah in the book of Judges. Have fun with the lesson and be blessed!